Thursday, November 22, 2012

Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer

Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer 

The Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer is just one of the elliptical trainers that received rave reviews from its users. Since it was introduced in the market, the Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer has been featured is some of the most popular consumer magazines and review websites. Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer is an excellent elliptical trainer in terms of construction, usability and exercise range.

Key Features of the Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer

Highly recommended by some of the most popular consumer magazines and review websites
Comes with 20-level electronically-controlled magnetic brake
Features and easy-to-read console that helps track your speed, pulse, time, calories burned and more
Comes with Polar-compatible heart rate receiver
Comes with a built-in reading rack
Capable of handling a maximum weight of 325 pounds

Product Overview

The Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer is just one of the top of the line elliptical trainers in the market that comes with an array of amazing features. If you are looking for a high quality elliptical trainer to help you out in your quest for getting fit and healthy in the comforts of your own home, the Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer is the one you are looking for.

The Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer is equipped with an amazing electronically-controlled magnetic brake that provides you with 20 levels of smooth resistance. The Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer is capable of providing you with just the right resistance that suits your preference.

The Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer offers a lot of flexibility and control over your workout regimen. It also comes with a state-of-the-art console that supports thirteen preset programs such as manual, interval, random, target HR, sprint, hill climb, HR interval, HR hill, fat burner, glut burner, cardio, quad builder and total trainer.

Pros and Cons of the Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer Pros

The Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer packs a lot of features that you can't simply find on other elliptical trainers in the market. Taking some of the Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer features into consideration such as weight capacity, stride length, resistance level and an array of programs, this amazing machine is the one you are looking for.
The Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer is also very strong and robust judging by the fact that it could handle 325 pounds of weight the maximum. It also comes with a 5-year warranty for parts and electronics and a lifetime warranty for the frame and brake.

The Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer's manual is so vague and unclear making assembly a bit of a hassle.

Customer Reviews
Majority of Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer users are very pleased with its build quality. They noted how strong and robust this amazing equipment is. They are also very happy with its performance and have since then helped them out with their cardiovascular workouts.

For an effective and comfortable workout that's highly adjustable and customizable, the Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer has all the programs and features that workout enthusiasts would really love. Indeed, the Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer is a great buy for any health buff and fitness aficionado!

Diamondback Fitness 1260Ef Elliptical Trainer

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